What’s cooking?

If you wait until your product is complete to start promoting it, I’m afraid you’ve missed an incredible opportunity. Several of them, actually:

  1. Determining if people actually care about what you’re doing
  2. Finding out if the idea you’ve selected is your best one, based on feedback
  3. Building up an army of people interested in promoting and buying your product
  4. Seeing if your idea shows signs of being able to survive first contact with the marketplace

I think it’s possible to both over-prepare (often a form of procrastination and succumbing to Resistance) and under-prepare, but obscurity is an enemy regardless.

Tell us what’s in the oven unless your kitchen’s already crowded.

Actually, tell us regardless.

Willie Jackson is a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant & Facilitator with ReadySet, a boutique consulting firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a frequent writer and speaker on the topics of workplace equity, global diversity, and inclusive leadership. Connect on LinkedIn or get in touch.