Month: May 2011

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Pledge

    Over at Domino HQ, we just launched the #Trust30 pledge and it’s being received extremely well.

    It’s a 30-day writing challenge in conjuction with our launch of a reimagined version of Self-Reliance that leverages WordPress, MailChimp, the Domino platform, and a pinch of good luck.

    I’m thrilled with how the site came out—take a look and get involved if it’s of interest. ::tips hat::

  • WordPress Security: Sucuri to the rescue

    One of the most tragic issues to befall a blogger is a security breach.

    If you’ve been blogging for any length of time on a site that gets any kind of traffic, you’ve probably experienced a hack of some sort at one point or another.

    Many people point to WordPress as being insecure, but this isn’t entirely accurate (assuming a patched, up-to-date version of the application).

  • It’s really not that complicated

    We complicate a lot of decisions unnecessarily. I see a lot of very smart people sabotaging their future by inventing things to be concerned about. It would appear as though highly actualized humans have a very good sense of what needs to be done; they (we) simply battle Resistance in executing.

    Just go.