
I’ve been busy.

In January, I launched Abernathy in earnest. Abernathy is a new online magazine for Black men—we’re producing quality content for a woefully overlooked and underserved demographic.

It started off as an idea, and the day before I launched, I had one article ready (shout out to Garfield, who’s been rocking with me for 10 years). I then hit up my buddy Ernest, who immediately took on the role of Editor-in-Chief.

Then we had three posts. We were publishing twice a week, and now we’re publishing new content three times a week.

The reception has been resoundingly positive: in March we held a small launch event in New York City (where I now reside (again)) and yesterday, we announced our launch sponsor, Basecamp.

I didn’t make a big announcement about it, but Abernathy is indeed my full-time focus. Focusing on Abernathy full-time is one of the reasons we’ve made so much progress so quickly.

The other reason is because my team is world-class: the site is run by the peerless and aforementioned Ernest White and my Advisor, Seth Godin, ensures that I’m uncomfortable on a regular basis. It’s hard to go wrong with a team like this, and I’m excited about building something special and necessary.

If you want to join along, here’s the Abernathy newsletter, Twitter account, and Facebook page. We’ve got some more exciting announcements on the horizon.