Our own ordeal

In a world of unlimited distraction, it bears repeating (often) that the outcomes we seek both professionally and personally are to be found internally rather than externally. The discomfort that stems from slowing down and being alone with ourselves causes many of us to maintain a constant posture of looking around for validation and points of comparison.

The danger in this is that we’re often hooking into the vision that others are manifesting for themselves as they embark on their own journey. And so we brainstorm ways to put a spin on Person X’s idea, or try to make a career out of proving to ourselves that we can do the same thing Person Y is doing. It’s exhausting, unfruitful, and does a great disservice to the brilliance within each of us.

Connection and collaboration is important, but not when at the expense of our own calling. Put another way, as it came to me: we must be fully engaged with our own ordeal. I spent years of my life trying to find my way by looking outside of myself for a lane in which to manifest my desires.

Things changed when I started spending more time with myself and trusting my intuition. What has resulted is both an unprecedented confidence in my own abilities, and a priceless daily reminder that I’ve always had everything I need to do everything I ever wanted to do.