Category: Fear

  • From the shadows

    No one likes being wrong, and asking for help doesn’t come natural to many people. But there’s a difference between being careful and hiding in the shadows to avoid failure.

    I’m not sure that there’s a specific balance that I’d recommend (or even that I consistently achieve myself), but I do know that it’s easy for an aversion to fear to turn into productivity paralysis.

    Interestingly, being proactive about addressing the things you don’t know and need help with and fear and struggle with…is the best way to keep these things under control and master your weaknesses.

  • In praise of timidity

    That subject line is as close as I can get to an April Fool’s joke.

    I realize that not everyone is wired with a disregard for the impossible or a high tolerance for risk but as with any trait that does not come natural…it might be prudent to develop these things.

    The history books aren’t filled with many self-doubters, nor are legacies forged by those who prepare to prepare to plan.