Moving to NYC

In two weeks, I will be moving to New York City to work with Seth Godin and five other accomplices who seek to revolutionize the publishing industry via The Domino Project.

There’s a surreal quality to it all (I just interviewed (and found out that I was hired) on Friday), but I fully expect for this to be a transformative experience. The gang of troublemakers (Lauryn, Amber, Alex, Michael, and Amy) I get to work with is amazing. I hope you get to meet them.

Let’s back up a bit

I saw Seth’s post about looking for accomplices the other day and decided to throw my hat in the ring. The application was fun and interesting, and this is one of the things that encouraged me to apply.

I got an email on December 13th from Seth asking if I could come interview in New York a few days later and after I let out an uncharacteristic shriek in my car, I managed to compose a coherent email response in the affirmative.

The interview process itself was non-traditional and a lot of fun. I’m not sure how much I can share publicly about it, so I’ll err on the side of caution and just let you know that I didn’t have to make up any ridiculous answers about where I see myself in five years.

Seth who?

It has come to my attention recently that there are persons living on earth who have not heard of Seth Godin (smile). I explained to my parents that in terms of influence and relevance, he is to marketing what Oprah is to television. Bestselling author, speaker, and agent of change summarizes what he does, but there’s much more to it.

Knowing what I know about Seth however, I suspect that he’d be much more interested in you knowing that he cares very much about you living life on purpose, doing work that matters, and spreading important ideas. You can start with his latest book if you’d like. I have an extra copy if you want it (seriously).

Two fun facts about Seth: 1) He publishes at least one post a day on his blog, which is perhaps the most popular blog in the world that’s published by one person. 2) He cooks his wife dinner every night, and sometimes it’s good (his words, not mine!)

You can read more about Seth in the November issue of Fearless Magazine.


For those of you who don’t know, I quit my corporate job in April to freelance fulltime. I’d be remiss if I didn’t shout out a few people who have been instrumental in me making that leap:

The first has to be my Auntie, friend, mentor, fairy blogmother, and business partner Pam Slim. I won’t wax sentimental in this post, but I haven’t met many people like her (nor am I interested in sharing). Keep an eye out for us in 2011.

Mike Schinkel singlehandedly jumpstarted my transition into fulltime freelance WordPress work by making a few key client introductions, inviting me to speak at a conference that he co-organized, and keeping me in mind for proposals and projects that have come up.

So what now?

The next steps involve finding an apartment in NYC, letting my clients know what’s going on and what to expect, and spending some time with my family in Florida for the holidays before taking flight.

I have no idea what the next six months will hold, but I’m going to give ’em all I’ve got. Thanks for joining me on this adventure. And thanks for taking a chance on me, Seth.