Derek Halpern is probably smarter than you.
He’s definitely smarter than me. In addition to regularly making more in a week than most people make in a month, Derek is a genuinely nice guy and very generous with his time.
SocialTriggers “a blog that teaches you how human psychology helps you get traffic and sales online.” Derek draws from a deep well of experience in the areas of marketing, sales, psychology, SEO, SEM, and countless other disciplines.
The most helpful (FREE!) resource on SocialTriggers right now is his Online Sales 101 page, wherein the following topics are addressed:
- How to Get 1,000% More Sales
- How to Raise Your Prices By 71%
- 3 Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction (after the sale)
- How to Increase Customer Loyalty by 82%
- Here’s How “Product Context” Helps You Sell Stuff Online
This 5-Part Online Sales Article Series walks you through a straightforward and jargon-free analysis of popular misconceptions, sound advice, and research-backed claims for more effective marketing copy and tactics.
I’d write (a lot) more about SocialTriggers but I’d just be keeping you from checking it out. Go.