Category: Uncategorized

  • Permission for professional pivots

    The manager to whom I reported when I started my first IT internship had a mortuary science degree. I was shocked, but mostly because I was inexperienced. He was a brilliant manager, he taught me a lot, and last time I checked (four minutes ago on LinkedIn), he was a Director with the same company.

    When planning my career as a technologist, I felt like I had to do something involving my IT degree. Even when I left my job and started freelancing, I only considered offering tech-related services. I saw myself as a technologist and didn’t take the time to learn what else was possible. Where else did I have leverage and credibility?

    Whenever I speak with younger folks looking for career advice, I affirm them in their interests independent of their professional and academic experience. I’m still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up, and giving myself permission to figure it out for a living has unlocked so much creativity and joy in my life.

    I can trace a lot of my professional breakthroughs to the seeds of support planted and watered by mentors I’ve had over the years, and continuing this virtuous cycle for the coming generation feels like a worthwhile use of my time.

  • Complexity is overrated

    A profound truth, compassionately asserted, is a gift.

  • Racism reminders

    For many folks who hold historically marginalized identities, particularly those of us who feel the effects of racism and microaggressions acutely in our bodies, I’d like to share two truths for determining how to think about those who perpetuate bad behavior:

    1. They are mistaken.
    2. It’s not about you.

    Half the battle is deciding if we’re justified in interpreting the things we’re experiencing as racism. What do we do about it if it is? Do we challenge them to a joust? Does the slight warrant a diss track? Might this person require an aggressive laying of hands? Don’t they know we’re from Duval County?

    The not knowing and resulting paranoia can push us towards the limits of our sanity. When we replay these incidents in our mind ad infinitum, it causes stress hormone levels to rise, amplifying the effects of these perceived indignities, and harming our bodies.

    Then we beat ourselves up for not speaking up or taking action. Then we begin overreacting preemptively so no one makes us feel that way again. Then we begin embodying stereotypes and slip into a tailspin of frustration and self-loathing, directed at no one and everyone at the same time.

    It’s a losing proposition that must be short-circuited at its outset. Cultivating resilience frees us to get on with the important work needed in our lives, and in our communities. It’s also a much more compassionate way to treat our bodies.

    When possible, let it all go.

    I’m not saying we’re to accept what’s unacceptable and make excuses for bad behavior. What I’m saying is that we don’t have to internalize the feelings that arise from these interactions and give them top billing in our minds and hearts.

    1. They are mistaken.
    2. It’s not about you.

    Bonus: you poppin.

  • Boston, Boycotts, and BREAD

    Tonight I’ll be in Boston for a discussion about race, business, and economic empowerment. Dr. King’s words are in my heart as I think about the work Leora and Justin, along with the rest of the BREAD Boston team, are doing.

    “Thank you very kindly, my friends. As I listened to Ralph Abernathy and his eloquent and generous introduction and then thought about myself, I wondered who he was talking about. It’s always good to have your closest friend and associate to say something good about you. And Ralph Abernathy is the best friend that I have in the world. I’m delighted to see each of you here tonight in spite of a storm warning. You reveal that you are determined to go on anyhow.”

    Those were the opening statements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I’ve Been to the Mountaintop speech on April 3rd, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee the night before he was assassinated. His message included remarks about nonviolence and peaceful protests, but the central thrust of his message was the Memphis sanitation strike.

    “The issue is injustice. The issue is the refusal of Memphis to be fair and honest in its dealings with its public servants, who happen to be sanitation workers.”

    Today, blacks and whites universally revere Dr. King as one of the most significant public figures of the century, but in 1966, Dr. King’s unfavorability among white Americans was 72%. And it was his message of economic empowerment that made him such a threat to the establishment.

    “Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart’s bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain.”

    The 381-day Montgomery Bus Boycott wielded a devastating blow to the system of segregation in Alabama on June 13, 1956 when the District Court ruled that the segregation enforced on the Montgomery motor buses was unconstitutional. This was the first large-scale protest against discrimination in the United States, and in the wake of this action emerged a charismatic and revolutionary young pastor by the name of Martin (born Michael King) Luther King Jr.

    “Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live – a long life; longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

  • Good enough and not good enough

    “Tailoring Everything”

    So says the sign on an alteration shop in my neighborhood. The English isn’t perfect, but that message, taped to the window and costing exactly one sheet of computer paper, is most definitely good enough.

    When I first launched my magazine, I fretted over design perfection before reaching out to sponsors. I wasted precious time; sponsors weren’t looking for perfection. The site still needs a redesign two years later, but that didn’t stop me from closing August.

    Conversely, I once gave a contributor full access to the site without restricting his ability to publish before the submission was edited and reviewed. That workflow and resulting article wasn’t good enough.

    Both of these were valuable lessons, and having a framework for evaluating what is and isn’t good enough frees up cognitive resources to focus on higher order challenges.

  • A formatting hack for Gmail and Google Docs users

    If you’ve ever copy and pasted text from Google Docs into Gmail and hit ‘send’ before adjusting the text size, you probably noticed that the resulting text IS A TINY BIT LARGER than it should be. This is because the default font size in Google Docs is 11, whereas Gmail is set to 9.5.

    I’ve got a geeky keyboard shortcut to strip the formatting (including text size) from the text I copy between applications—the technical term is text sanitization. It solves the problem for me, but I needed a solution for my editor who has precisely no interest in replicating my setup.

    The steps below show you how to set the Google Docs default font size to perfectly match Gmail, so you can compose and edit in the former and paste in the latter seamlessly. These instructions assume you’re that using the default settings for both products.

    Step one: [Gmail] Open up an email you’ve sent.

    Step two: [Gmail] Copy a word to your clipboard. On Mac, you can double-click on a word to highlight it and CMD + C to copy it. We’re doing this because Google Docs won’t let you manually set the font size to 9.5, which Gmail uses.

    Step three: [Google Docs] Paste your copied text into a new document and highlight the pasted text. If you don’t see Arial 9.5 in the formatting bar at the top, you’ll need to start over.

    Step four: [Google Docs] Format > Paragraph styles > Normal Text > Update “Normal text” to match. This updates the settings for the current document, but there’s one more step remaining to apply these settings to future documents.

    Step five: [Google Docs] Format > Paragraph styles > Options > Save as my default styles.

    To make sure you’ve done it correctly, open up a new Google Doc to verify that Arial and 9.5 are set. Now you can copy and paste from Google Docs with abandon.

    Nice work.

  • Social media window dressing

    At the height of my social media addiction, I regularly updated my Twitter bio with vanishingly trivial tweaks. I obsessed over my professional bios as if they represented my one shot at telling my story to the world.

    The real issue was that I didn’t believe in myself. I felt impostor syndrome despite my accomplishments, and I tried to fix this by optimizing minutiae. Look at how amazing I am! Can anyone see me…?

    The real work was getting alone with myself and to the root of the issue. I didn’t need a better bio, I needed a better story to tell myself about myself.

    My most talented colleagues spend little time advertising how great they are, they’re instead getting on with the business of living their best lives. Their websites are outdated, they have a mountain of unprocessed LinkedIn requests, and they are completely unfazed.

    Of course we’re brilliant and accomplished and capable. But if that’s not how we feel inside, no amount of window dressing will fix it.

  • Prioritizing priorities

    Many of us have goals that are comprised of small steps. Writing a book, starting a business, losing those last ten pounds…

    It’s not surprising that the attainment of our goals remains elusive when we avoid the requisite action steps, but the danger of inaction carries an additional risk: the internal narrative we form about the kinds of people we are.

    When we put pen to paper every day, we see ourselves as the kind of people who write. When we get our daily six miles in, we see ourselves as runners.

    How we prioritize our priorities matters, too.

    Meditating shortly after rolling out of bed in the morning is different from meditating at the end of the day, as we’re falling asleep. The quality of the activity suffers, we’re not proud of our commitment, and the next thing you know…

    Conversely, the cognitive and emotional benefit of knocking out our daily habits before we begin our workday has the power to transform our days, our careers, and our lives.

    One tactic we can use to accelerate new habit formation is setting tiny daily goals. There are no rules against writing one paragraph, doing one push-up, or walking one block. It’s infinitely easier to keep going once we’ve started.

  • Near and present diversity

    On the topic of “diversity and inclusion” in tech, many companies are understandably intimidated by the challenges presented and would prefer to hire a few “underrepresented minorities” (see? we’re diverse!), and put the topic behind them.

    Not so fast my dear Diversity Councils.

    In speeding past the uncomfortable conversations, we in fact do our colleagues and organizations a great disservice. As much as we want to sprint ahead to embodying a “post-racial” society, the paradoxical path for many companies is to slow down and have a long overdue conversation with existing employees about what the organization actually stands for and how diversity slogans translate into action.

    The benefit of embracing the existing diversity (of thought, age, politics, management style…) is that the humanity of the folks already present isn’t overlooked. Few companies feel comfortable admitting the fact that the demographic feeling a lot of guilt, anxiety, stress, pressure, and confusion around diversity dialogue is white males.

    The irony of someone who holds a historically marginalized identity advocating for white males is not lost on me, but I’d like to invite us all to consider that cultivating allies in—and understanding the perspective of—white males is precisely what’s needed in order to drive the issue forward.

    This is one of the reasons that Silicon Valley is still functionally segregated. Many of the gatekeepers are subverting the system because they’re not on board with this “diversity” business. Top-down directives rankle employees of all stripes, and no one likes feeling coerced into action. This is especially true regarding complex topics like race and identity in America, which few workplaces are prepared to discuss.

  • Location, location, location

    I earned a degree in Information Technology about a decade ago, and I’m eternally grateful for this education. This has given me is the ability to understand how complex systems work, from software to the body to politics.

    Let’s use a practical example that affects millions of people every day: the role of privacy policies on the iPhone. If you have Location Services enabled on the Camera app, your location will be embedded in the metadata of the photo.

    This means that anyone who obtains a copy of the image can, with disturbing accuracy and ease, determine where the photo was taken. This isn’t just true of Apple products, it applies to most modern devices that take photos. To disable this delightful feature on iOS10, navigate to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Camera and set it to Never.

    Now back to my boudoir photo shoot.