Eating right

Robb Wolf’s book the Paleo Solution is a must-read, and have been singing its praises since I started reading it last week.

The book provides an excellent look into our ancestors’ diets and how what we’re eating now is killing us. I’m actually not being alarmist—there are countless diseases and conditions linked to poor dietary choices.

On that note, there are two really great restaurants here in the Atlanta area that I can recommend if you’re looking for grass-fed, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, grain-free burgers: Farm Burger and Yeah Burger. Both restaurants have gluten-free buns, but Yeah Burger definitely has more options (fries, onion rings, salad, salad dressing, etc.) for the gluten-averse.

I leave you with this video of a documentary called Food Matters:

Treat your body right. Or else.