Everything’s online

Quality information is no longer scarce, and the amount of it that exists online is only going to increase. You can learn how to program, become a designer, play the piano, or pick up [the opposite gender]. For free.

But you knew that already. So what’s stopping us from becoming astrophysicists on our spare time?

One of the reasons is that we’re just plain distracted. Any time I see interesting or exciting new courses or tutorials available online, a part of me is like “cool! well…add it to the list of things that I’ll never take advantage of.”

I have dozens of PDFs I’ve downloaded and ebooks that I’ll never study. Countless courses to which I have access. Several memberships to sites whose technical library is both impressive and growing.

And I’m not alone in this.

So the simple (not easy) thing I can do to set myself apart and to look back in six months and be happy about is to focus on one thing that I really want to improve…and make a priority of developing the habit that gets me there.

Kinda like this guy.

Again, filed under “reminders to myself.”