Just decide and propose something.
It’ll either work or it won’t, but you don’t have to default to postponing the only important part of the process.
Just decide and propose something.
It’ll either work or it won’t, but you don’t have to default to postponing the only important part of the process.
His body language suggested that he was in the business of interrupting passers by.
This was indeed the case.
The gentleman in question had a bag ten yards behind him, propped against the wall, with a single piece of art perched on top.
In my mind (since I had no interest in Humans of New York-ing this guy (and because making eye contact with people in New York is sadly an invitation to participate in their particular brand of crazy)), he was an artist with one item to sell.
This was indeed the case.
Like clockwork, I watched him engage the unfortunate soul to my right and smiled smugly as the pitch unfolded.
But I also admired the guy. He was an artist. He was in the arena, taking his blows. He was trying.
He didn’t wait until his art was good enough to land him placement in a gallery, or to have enough art to fill up a table. He created one thing and he was pounding the pavement.
I respect that.
Of course, he could have been pulling the old Rice Krispies trick…
Next time you’re afraid to
…just remember that evil people (some of whom might ostensibly be your “competition”) don’t talk themselves out of what they feel that they deserve.
Shoot for the stars, good people.
We need you.
This goes against the way that we’re wired as humans, but despite our desire to feign strength and resilience when we’re most weak, people resonate with vulnerability and transparency.
Since putting up a front is a part of our social fabric, being courageously vulnerable and honest is something of a revolutionary act. We don’t need to see a live-stream of you crying, but there’s no need to pretend that you’ve never shed any tears on the way to your dreams.
Life is hard and everyone’s making it all up. That’s a fine starting point for the conversation. What’s next?
When you miss your train or spill your coffee in the morning, it’s easy to project this misfortune onto the rest of your day, expecting a storm cloud of destruction to follow you until you crawl back into the sheets twelve hours later.
This is total nonsense of course, and you’re allowed to opt out of that harmful thinking. Maybe instead of feeding the dread and worry, you can rejoice that you’ve gotten the day’s misfortune out of the way.
Can’t hurt to try.
Self-awareness pays dividends.
No one can take it from you, and it acts as a baked in force-multiplier for your projects since after a while, you develop an understanding around how certain types of work affects you. You can then make better decisions about how (and whether) to spend your time (on certain projects).
Trouble is, honest self-reflection and self-inquiry require an extraordinary amount of courage.
And therein lies the rub.
It’s easy to dismiss Generation Z as…doomed. Any time I see news bubbling up about them or foolishly reinstall Vine on my phone, I grow less and less hopeful about the future.
But recently, I’ve been inspired by a generation of brave leaders like the young men I met last week.
Today, I had the pleasure of publishing something on Abernathy from one of the young men I met that day. From his email to me over the weekend:
So in the spirit of taking a leap of faith, I briefly spoke with you after the period ended and told you about my passions in writing. Also I very much mirror your frustrations as it regards to the pejorative portrayal of African American males in media, and I think that it is pertinent to also include different experiences and perspectives of different African American males.
So I have written poems, stories, and college essays about the struggles of being an African American male, being a black gay male, being a black male in poverty, and how these three identities often conflict with each other. So if those are some of the things you might be interested in, I would gladly email them to you. If you can respond back to this email I would greatly appreciate it.
James Fisher, age 17, gives me hope for the future.
My heart is swelling with pride today.
I’m learning the acoustic guitar, and it’s amazing how much of a difference I can see in my day-over-day progress just by strumming (poorly) a couple times a day.
Today was a bit of a breakthrough in that I felt connected to the instrument and actually expressing rather than just worrying about hand placement and messing up. There was music coming out of the guitar!
You’ll just have to take my word for it.
Anyway, time to start practicing my wealth manifestation activities twice a day…
When I was in high school (and even in college, if I’m honest), I didn’t have any idea about what my life would look like 10 years later. I had a very limited view of the world, and didn’t know how to rapidly expand my perspective while staying on top of my studies.
And by “staying on top of my studies” I of course meant networking with the female student body, but that’s another post for another day. Go ‘Noles.
The point is, my perspective started expanding once I met people working full-time in the “real world.” I had many useful instructors, but there’s only so much you’ll be able to apply from career academics when it’s time to interview for a job.
Fortunately, I received a lot of professional development preparation and mentoring through the INROADS program and a number of wonderful humans along the way.
This morning, Shana and I spent some time at the Eagle Academy for Young Men in the Bronx. The program is solving some tough problems, and we had a chance to speak with the principal about their mission and what they’re trying to do.
The mission of The Eagle Academy for Young Men is to develop young men committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, strong character, and responsible leadership.
What they should actually say is that there’s a full-blown crisis with black and brown youth in this country. The problems are complex, and education is where a lot of progress must be made in order to prevent at risk youth from being funneled into the prison-industrial complex.
We spent about 40 minutes in candid discussion with a bunch of curious, ambitious young men who asked a lot of questions. Shana shared some of the setbacks she’s experienced in chasing her dreams and growing her blog, and I shared a bit about my journey and why I launched Abernathy.
Not a bad morning.
The fear of everything going wrong prevents a lot of great ideas from seeing the light of day. What I wish more people realized is that the worst-case scenario 1) isn’t so bad and 2) might also be the best thing for your idea.