Hustling is the aggressive and sustained pursuit of a goal or end whose attainment would not be possible without a relentless focus on the desired outcome.
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The danger of hero worship
I’ve never really been big on hero worship, though I was quite nervous the first time I met two of my heroes. Something my dad always said when I was growing up is that [other people] put their pants on one leg at a time just like [him].
It’s kind of funny to imagine Elon Musk fumbling with the buckle of a poorly engineered belt (smile).
Anyway, it’s important to recognize the difference between someone whose achievements represent a lifelong commitment to work that matters…and someone who just happens to have done a bunch of seemingly interesting things.
Have heroes. Have mentors. Recognize greatness. Emulate the habits of successful people.
But don’t lose yourself. You’re great, too.
A few things about Jackie
In 2012, Jacqueline Nwobu (Jackie) found my site and asked me a few SEO questions. She subsequently hired me to do some optimization work on her site, and we’ve remained in contact since then.
In March of 2014, Jackie spoke at TEDxEuston about her journey in creating Munaluchi Bridal with her husband—a magazine featuring brides of color. [The video embedded below, and all you RSS/Email types can watch it here.]
In December of 2014, Jackie is putting on The Coterie Retreat in Palm Harbor, Florida.
The Coterie Retreat is a business conference presented by the publishers at Munaluchi Bride Magazine in partnership with Salamander Hotels and Resorts. You can expect 3 days of powerful speakers, workshops, panels, parties, and plenty of networking.
I’m excited to be one of the speakers at the event, and honored to have played a small role in augmenting a platform that now reaches her tribe across the nation.
Talk me out of this
About a month ago, I was on a war path.
An exciting opportunity was presented to me, and I was certain that I wanted to move forward with it. The circumstances couldn’t have been more favorable in my mind—it aligned with a number of things that are interesting to me and represented a new and exciting challenge.
In my frothy lather of enthusiasm, I had the foresight to enlist the opinions of my trusted advisors. This task was attacked with gusto as well, I probably booked two dozen meetings in the space of a couple weeks. Feedback was uniform and resoundingly positive and I was full steam ahead.
[I recognize in retrospect that this was at least partially attributable to how convincingly I sold the idea, but that’s another hastily written post for another busy day.]
But I recognized that nothing in life worth having comes that easily, so I changed my posture and the questions I was asking. Specifically, I asked people to talk me out of it. I actually created a Powerpoint deck entitled “Talk us out of this” wherein I started outlining the facts and figures for my advisors to consider.
Well, I got what I was looking for.
It only took one quick call with a friend of mine who’s intimately familiar with the vertical I was entering to take the wind out of my sails, which is precisely what I needed. The nature of the opportunity, the risk I would have assumed, and the objective viability of the idea are all immaterial.
What matters is that my advisor clearly saw the gulf that existed between my vision and the realities I would soon face. I was blind and I knew it.
This isn’t to say that I couldn’t have been successful had I moved forward, or that considering was a waste of time (it wasn’t). The fact of the matter is simply that I avoided a potential disaster by changing my posture to accommodate my natural inclination to view something exciting through rose colored glasses.
We made a thing
I don’t talk about work stuff here on my site very often.
Well, that’s not true. I talk a lot about work stuff, but it’s moreso the challenges faced by creative professionals who want to make a difference…in the work that they do.
The point is, I just published a post on the W3 EDGE blog and you might find it interesting if you run WordPress and care about security and performance.
This is a problem
Yes, we know: everything is broken.
But instead of making more work for someone else to fix, you can add value by proposing (or even providing) a solution.
What do you know?
“I write to discover what I know.”
—Flannery O’ConnorI remember when I first started investing in my personal growth and development aggressively.
I started by reading Tim Ferriss’s book and discussing its principles with friends. I was living in Atlanta at the time, desperately wanting to live a life of freedom and purpose (devoid of IBM Thinkpads and expense reports).
I recall very vividly how impassioned my speech would get when talking about freedom and success with friends, and how I “heard” myself producing paragraph after paragraph of eloquent insights into the nature of success.
Sure, they were my thoughts, but there was a certain level of insight into my subconscious that wasn’t available to me at other times.
I noticed the same phenomenon when I started journaling regularly. When I put pen to paper and let the words flow, I would frequently reflect on my own writing with wonder, as if the words had been penned by a more insightful and self-aware version of myself.
The best explanation I have for this is…the brain is weird.
And while it would be awesome not to have to “hack” self-reflection, it’s not worth spending even a moment wishing things were different. We can simply pretend we’re advising someone else on the steps required to achieve success if we want to become better self-counselors.
Everything is Everything
Lauryn Hill said it best.
But what comes to mind when I hear that phrase is something I’ve learned from life and my mentors over the past few years: everything is a metaphor for everything else.
Put another way, there is a clarity that comes from slaying dragons that demonstrates what’s required in order to repeat that process in other situations. Subsequent battles become easier, and you learn what’s needed to ensure victory.
You also learn how to better pick your battles (and weapons). [See? Metaphors abound (smile). ]
The next step is figuring out how to go faster, and how to leverage force multipliers to your advantage. To the uninitiated, it will look like magic. To those in the know, it will look like growth and evolution.
I can’t do this by myself
That might not actually be true.
Sometimes we conflate our inability to accomplish a monumental task…with our inability to care enough to see it through. Maybe you just need to get fired up.
“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Meaning matters.
Find it.
Quote by Neil Strauss
From his book Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life:
We make fun of those we’re most scared of becoming.