1. How Stuff Works
HowStuffWorks is a website that was founded by Marshall Brain and is dedicated to explaining the way many things work. The site uses photos, diagrams, video and animation to explain complex terminology and mechanisms in easy-to-understand language.
2. YouTube
YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. Three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google.
3. eHow
eHow is an online knowledge resource with more than 337,000 articles and videos offering step-by-step instructions on “how to do just about everything”. eHow content is created by both professional experts and amateur members and covers a wide variety of topics organized into a hierarchy of categories.
4. WikiHow
wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual. With your contributions, we can create a free resource that helps millions of people by offering solutions to the problems of everyday life.
5. Instructables
Instructables is a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others. The seeds of Instructables germinated at the MIT Media Lab as the future founders of Squid Labs built places to share their projects and help others.
6. VideoJug
The video content on the site takes a variety of formats that include informative “How To” and “Ask The Expert” films that guide you, step-by-step, through everything and anything in life. The “How To” format delivers easy-to-follow, bite-size tutorials on a wide range of topics from cleaning tips and sport, to relationship advice and recipes.
7. Nettuts
Nettuts+ is a site aimed at web developers and designers offering tutorials and articles on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. [They] cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, PHP and Ruby on Rails.
8. Tutorial9
We’ve been in the Tutorial business for quite some time now. Many authors here have been teaching online since 2004, while others have taught in classroom environments and seminars. [Their] goal at Tutorial9 is to offer the most blissful learning experience possible – at no cost whatsoever.
9. 5min
5min is the leading syndication platform for broadband instructional, knowledge and lifestyle videos. [Their] library includes tens of thousands of videos across 20 categories and 140 subcategories, which are professionally produced and brand-safe.
10. W3Schools
W3Schools is a web developer’s portal, with tutorials and references relating to web development subjects, including HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript. W3Schools is free of charge, and is funded through text and display advertising. The tutorials and references on the website and the related code are proprietary.