Month: November 2014

  • The shirt off your back

    When I first started in my freelancing career, I tried to cut everyone a deal. I wasn’t making a ton of money (plus I was new to earning an income that didn’t involve a paycheck) so this was the mindset I took into all of my projects.

    I was subconsciously operating under the false assumption that none of my customers had a lot of money to spend and thus cutting them a deal was the right thing to do. It felt good.

    This mindset made it much harder to level up and paradoxically prevented me from providing a valuable service to more customers because I was afraid to charge what I was worth.

    When I think about freelance work now, I focus on creating value through things that have the greatest impact. A free ebook, for example, could be written in time you reclaim by cutting out a TV show or similar guilty pleasure every week, and it’s something that can help an unlimited number of your prospective customers and fans.

    If you’re serious about making an impact through giving, spend some time thinking about how those with substantial wealth do it. You’ve gotta have something to give something.

    No one told me this starting out, so I’ll tell you: pay yourself first so you can afford to help others in a sustainable way. It does a disservice to your business and time for it to be any other way.

    It might make you feel good to put others first, but your time is not free and everything costs something.

  • Can’t see it, won’t touch it

    I’m all for world-changing goals, but it’s equally important to make small approximations towards success as well.

    I have a savings account where money is automatically transferred from my checking account every month, and the desire to dip into that money during lean months is strong.

    As any financial expert will tell you, two keys to financial freedom are:

    1. making saving automatic, and
    2. never ever touching money set aside for long-term investing

    The steps above maximize the effects of compound interest, which puts impressive to extraordinary savings within the reach of virtually anyone.

    Anyway, this morning I gave my bank a call and disabled viewing of the savings account in question. Temptation: gone.

    Yes, meeting regularly with a financial planner is important along with a dozen other financial literacy best practices. But the little things add up, too.


  • Self-improvement litmus test

    Whenever I spend an extended amount of time around my family (say, more than twenty minutes…), it makes me think about how prone we are to do great things in the world while neglecting relationships with family members and those close to us.

    The United States spends almost forty billion (billion) dollars annually on foreign aid and yet you can find veterans sleeping under overpasses and suffering from PTSD. We generously support projects on and but we’ll pass homeless people on the street without a second thought. [This is a false equivalency I realize, but I’ll just deny having written that if you ever call me out in public.]

    Drake put it like this in a song called The Resistance (oh, the irony):

    I heard they just moved my grandmother to a nursin’ home
    And I be actin’ like I don’t know how to work a phone
    But hit “redial”, you’ll see that I just called
    Some chick I met at the mall that I barely know at all, and…

    It’s great that we can meet the needs of so many people, but we shouldn’t neglect the home front.

  • Rethinking Thanksgiving

    Just kidding.

    While the history of the holiday couldn’t be any further from what we’re taught in American schools, I think it’s fine to enjoy friends and family and gluttony during a weekday when people have a break from work. Wishing you and yours all the best.

  • 1000 Bad Words

    This morning, I did some terrible writing.

    I fired up my text editor and hammered out a few paragraphs about various topics. It wasn’t looking like there was anything I would be able to use on my blog (which was fine since the point of the exercise was to produce 1000 words regardless of what they said) but I soldiered on.

    As I closed in on the magic number, some ideas coalesced into a new insight that’s worthy of exploration. Funny how that works.

  • A letter to myself

    This post serves as a quick reminder to myself that some of the greatest and most important historical movements were borne out of a refusal to succumb to a spirit of hopelessness.

    There’s much to be done.

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    —Dylan Thomas

  • The rules still apply

    Seth is doing something neat and published an update today. It’s an interesting project and I’m happy to see it moving along, but my biggest takeaway from the update video and the email is highlighted below (in bold):

    Thanks for supporting my new book…

    I wanted to let you know that the printer just sent me the first batch of uncut printed signatures.

    They now go to the bindery, and we are on schedule to ship the books by December 1, as promised.

    I made a short video update if you want a peek:

    Thanks for the incredible support. We exceeded my pre-press goal by 40% and the pages look fabulous. Can’t wait for you to hold a copy.


    Take chances, do the impossible, risk it all, and by all means make lots of money and change the world….but make sure you still ship (on time) and keep your promises.