Okay, I’m reloaded!

That’s a Tony Montana Carlito’s Way quote, of course.

This is just a quick post to announce my much anticipated (joke) redesign! I’ve been working on it for about a day now, and I’m pretty pleased with the results. The new focus is on a static homepage (which will be updated ad nauseum I’m sure) and less on the blog posts (which are visible in the footer). The new design is still built on the Thesis Theme Framework of course, but leverages a modified version of Dave Wilkinson‘s wonderful Osmotic premium skin. It’s actually a limited-edition skin that had sold out, save for a copy that Dave’s wife never used for her site.

I’m pretty thrilled with the design overall but could use about 40 additional pixels in the content area (on pages that display the sidebars). I might roll up my sleeves this weekend and make that happen. Since the design is built on the 960.gs grid system, it should be a relatively straightforward procedure. That’s what I’m hoping, anyway!

At any rate, I’d love to hear your feedback on the site (especially the bad; don’t just say “it looks good” ๐Ÿ™‚

What do you think?