Put it out there

Saying it makes it so, doesn’t it?

Speaking into existence. Power of intention. Call it what you will. It works. There are two general rules of thought when it comes to sharing desired goals: keep it to yourself and tell others.

Both sides make compelling arguments, but I don’t know that the approaches are mutually exclusive. I might share with you that I’d like to quit my job, but not necessarily that I’d like to spend a year living in Buenos Aires.

In my own life, I’ve seen the benefits of “putting it out there” recently. Ever since I started moving in the direction of full-time self employment (letting people know I put in my two weeks notice, updating my website, writing about my upcoming moves), I feel like the heavens have parted.

I’ve taken on some interesting and challenging projects with amazing people, and I feel myself beginning to stretch beyond the types of things I’d normally do (from a coding and design perspective) so this will definitely benefit my business and portfolio.

When my friend Pam Slim was ready to move on planning a Fall speaking tour with me, she tweeted about it. Encouragement and motivation is coming from all directions and because of this external support, it makes it easy to build momentum towards the goal—even if I’m feeling resistance.

So I’d encourage you to start making things happen by talking about them. Tweet about them. Blog about them. Put yourself in the mindset of completing the goal as you’re doing other things. I put it out there recently and seeing results already.

You should too.