Category: Uncategorized

  • Today you….tomorrow me

    I couldn’t help but share this story. Powerful.


  • Does it matter?

    I went bowling with friends last night and there was a very interesting gentleman in the lane next to ours. In addition to “Kool-Aid” being the name he selected for his game, he had an incredibly awkward form: he got a running start and released the ball toward the ground while jumping. The impact of the ball hitting the ground caught many innocent bystanders off-guard. It was quite the spectacle.

    My first reaction was one of amusement and fascination, but that faded after watching him bowl a few times. The most amazing thing about his form is that it frequently resulted in strikes.

    It was an amusing juxtaposition: persons in my lane had perfect form…and frequently rolled gutterballs…whereas this gentleman had the grace of a sumo wrestler on ice skates but was bowling fantastic sets back to back.

    So as people snickered at his form and method, I had to ask myself…

    …does it matter?

  • My People

    I’m a consultant. I’m typically hired to perform a task or service based on a deep subject-matter expertise that I bring to the table. Increasingly however, I’ve been working with other consultants who have clients of their own and need my services. This represents a completely different dynamic because there a whole new set of factors:

    • Is the consultant in a jam and needs some assistance ASAP?
    • Will the client know about me or do I need to be invisible?
    • Is there budget to bring me in or will the consultant be paying out of pocket?


  • WordPress 3.0 is out

    Kind of a big deal.

  • Introductions, connections, and serendipity

    I’m a huge proponent of making introductions. If you’re familiar with Malcolm Gladwell’s work, you’ll know what I mean when I say that I’m a connector. Often I’m able to make an introduction that leads to someone getting a job, doing business, or generally reaching a goal.

    The latest product of this habit apparently assisted with the logistics behind bringing LessConf 3010 to Atlanta: My friend Allan Branch wrote a post today on what he learned from planning LessConf.

    It’s a great feeling to help great people do awesome things by doing what comes natural.

  • Make it exciting

    Complicated doesn’t mean dull, nor does technical imply boring.

    The Google Chrome team released version 5 of their already lightning-quick web browser today. The post accompanying the release delves into some technical details that likely interest only a small subset of software engineers and the technically inclined.

    This post could have been (and almost was) written off as the standard “technical press release” in the form of a blog post, but the team is obviously very serious about getting the word out about Google Chrome:

  • Guest Post on Art of Blog

    Just a quick note to let my readers know that I’ve published a guest post on Art of Blog. It’s called Using WordPress Pages like a Pro and walks through a few examples of how established professionals and Internet Marketers are using Pages on their site.

    Check it out! I’d love to know what you think.

  • Put it out there

    Saying it makes it so, doesn’t it?

    Speaking into existence. Power of intention. Call it what you will. It works. There are two general rules of thought when it comes to sharing desired goals: keep it to yourself and tell others.

    Both sides make compelling arguments, but I don’t know that the approaches are mutually exclusive. I might share with you that I’d like to quit my job, but not necessarily that I’d like to spend a year living in Buenos Aires.

  • Volunteers Needed In Atlanta — Shelter Kits for Haiti

    Hey guys, just a quick note from my friend Desiree about a Haiti relief effort in the Atlanta area. Read on for details.

    Volunteers are needed to assemble emergency shelter kits April 7–10 and April 12–15.

    About the Effort

    Habitat for Humanity is planning a multiphase response strategy in Haiti that includes early recovery and mid-and long-term response. As part of the early phase, Habitat for Humanity put together over 10,000 emergency shelter kits, designed to help families make immediate repairs and construct emergency shelter, in February.

    This work was possible thanks to the dedication of volunteers like you. For those of you that helped with the first round of kits, we are grateful for your support. Now, we are asking again for your help to assemble 13,250 more recovery starter kits. Funds for these kits have been provided by The American Red Cross and CARE.

  • Whatever Works

    I can’t help but wonder if I’m being coached covertly.

    Pam Slim “is a seasoned coach and writer who helps frustrated employees in corporate jobs break out and start their own business.” She’s the author of Escape From Cubicle Nation (both the blog and the book) and has, over the course of this past year year or so, become a friend of mine.

    It started with a tweet, turned into several purchases of her various information products (I jokingly confessed at her Atlanta workshop that I’d buy pretty much anything she put out…which was actually true…), and is now turning into even greater things:

    Pam Slim, changing my life one tweet at a time
