
  • Toilet paper trucks

    I saw a Tweet yesterday that made me smile and think at the same time (a dangerous combination). Jamie‘s son asked if the logo on the side of a truck indicated that it was a toilet paper truck.

    Click to see what Jamie's son saw
    Later that day, I had a great conversation with a graphic designer at a coffee shop who was working on an amazingly ornate digital tire tread for a client logo and she asked for my feedback.

  • Make it exciting

    Complicated doesn’t mean dull, nor does technical imply boring.

    The Google Chrome team released version 5 of their already lightning-quick web browser today. The post accompanying the release delves into some technical details that likely interest only a small subset of software engineers and the technically inclined.

    This post could have been (and almost was) written off as the standard “technical press release” in the form of a blog post, but the team is obviously very serious about getting the word out about Google Chrome:

  • Making WordPress Faster: Integrate a CDN

    One of the most effective ways to increase the speed of a website is to integrate a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

    A CDN is essentially a network of highly optimized servers that replicate the static content of your site (CSS, Javascript, images, etc.) and serves it from the closest Point of Presence (POP).

    Um, why do I want this again?

    There are several reasons why you might want to consider integrating a CDN. Let’s walk through six of them (or skip to my recommendation):

    1. Dramatically decrease load times
    2. Increase in the number of concurrent users
    3. Lower hosting costs
    4. Lighten the load on your server
    5. Better search engine rankings
    6. It’s easy to do—there’s no excuse


  • Guest Post on Art of Blog

    Just a quick note to let my readers know that I’ve published a guest post on Art of Blog. It’s called Using WordPress Pages like a Pro and walks through a few examples of how established professionals and Internet Marketers are using Pages on their site.

    Check it out! I’d love to know what you think.

  • Social Triggers by Derek Halpern

    Derek Halpern is probably smarter than you.

    He’s definitely smarter than me. In addition to regularly making more in a week than most people make in a month, Derek is a genuinely nice guy and very generous with his time.

    Social Triggers


  • Speaking at Ignite ATL

    I‘ll be speaking at IgniteATL next Monday (April 19th), which will be my first official day of self-employment after almost exactly three years of working for Accenture.

    What the heck is Ignite?

    Ignite was inspired by Pecha Kucha Nights, where speakers are given 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds, giving each speaker 6 minutes and 40 seconds of fame.

    The first Ignite took place in Seattle in 2006, and since then the event has become an international phenomenon, with gatherings in Helsinki, Finland; Paris, France; New York, New York; and many other locations.


  • Put it out there

    Saying it makes it so, doesn’t it?

    Speaking into existence. Power of intention. Call it what you will. It works. There are two general rules of thought when it comes to sharing desired goals: keep it to yourself and tell others.

    Both sides make compelling arguments, but I don’t know that the approaches are mutually exclusive. I might share with you that I’d like to quit my job, but not necessarily that I’d like to spend a year living in Buenos Aires.

  • Two types of companies

    Which one of these companies is destined for failure? is a service built on deception. They lure customers in with the promise of a free credit report, requiring that credit card information be submitted (red flag) upon signup.

    If the customer doesn’t enroll in something optional called the “Triple Advantage,” they are faced with monthly charges of up to $14.95. The company has paid over a million dollars in settlements since 2005 as a result of their deceptive tactics1.

    Experian (the company that owns continues to make a mockery of the FTC. (For truly free credit reports, you can visit

  • What a difference

    For the last two years, I’ve been running my small web design operation. I knew there was good money in it even for someone whose design skills are paltry at best. I didn’t get serious about running an efficient, effective operation until recently though. In this time, my effectiveness as a business owner has increased by orders of magnitude.

    I’m able to charge for my time, my expertise, and sharing information about the things I really enjoy doing: helping people implement solutions that sometimes involve technology.

  • Volunteers Needed In Atlanta — Shelter Kits for Haiti

    Hey guys, just a quick note from my friend Desiree about a Haiti relief effort in the Atlanta area. Read on for details.

    Volunteers are needed to assemble emergency shelter kits April 7–10 and April 12–15.

    About the Effort

    Habitat for Humanity is planning a multiphase response strategy in Haiti that includes early recovery and mid-and long-term response. As part of the early phase, Habitat for Humanity put together over 10,000 emergency shelter kits, designed to help families make immediate repairs and construct emergency shelter, in February.

    This work was possible thanks to the dedication of volunteers like you. For those of you that helped with the first round of kits, we are grateful for your support. Now, we are asking again for your help to assemble 13,250 more recovery starter kits. Funds for these kits have been provided by The American Red Cross and CARE.